
Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Control Multiple servo motors using Arduino and Android app

Hi are you looking to control More than one servo motor using android app, if then this is a perfect place for you to find your exact requirement.

I created an android app using MIT app inventor 2 , I created this app to control 6 servo motor using android and arduino, I have arduino uno, which has only 6 PWM pins that's the reason I created 6 servo control, If you want to control more than 6 you can use arduino Mega to do this.

Please click the link  here

what are the components you need for this?
N number of servo motors
Android Mobile or Tab
Connecting Wires
Bluetooth Device (HC-05 or HC-06) I used HC-06 for this project

You can find the Circuit Diagram for this project above. Connect your servo according to that, If possible power the Servos and arduino separately

you can find the arduino program in the video, if you want arduino file , download here

Check the video below to know How to make mit app for controlling multiple stepper motor.


  1. i cant see the sketch alright, can you upload the sketch?

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.


    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. I have every think connected and using code provided. Have 3 servos connected and initially get servos to move but after a few seconds of sliding sliders the arduino seems to reboot and disconnects. At this point I'm ready to through in the towel. Any help would be appreciated.

  2. I need the file .aia of this application too! Can u send it at--->
    Ty very much and great work!

  3. Hi, I been away from my home , I don't have the aia fie with me, I have rechecked with mit app inventor panel where almost all the files have been missing :(, sorry about that, please check the video that I made which explained all most everything to make an app to control multiple servo.

  4. hello...can you plz explain the source code

  5. Hello :)
    I have two servo motors now,
    I want to let the button to control the Servo1 only,
    and let the Slider to control the Servo2 only,
    please tell me how do I design at the APP and arduino program,thanks.

    1. I refer your another article from this:
      but there is only one servo

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Arduino reboots after few slider moves. Followed you app and sketch. At a lose now. Help!

  8. Arduino reboots after few slider movements

    1. Yes, use two separate power source using common ground. Seem servos would cause current fluctuations which would cause arduino to reboot.

  9. Hello, well ,I use your code of arduino only for controler 3 servos and I reduced de code ,but when I copy your code on my computer some instructions of arduino as "unsigned int" are in color blue instead orange,Can you explain ,what happened ? or the ploblem is my computer?? And When I open your code my servos lost the control. it doesn't do the instruction Help me Pleaseee

  10. Hi well i want to know that this process is also working for 2 dc motors yes or no if no then give me any source to find it out :( pls pls pls help me i want to do arduino proraming for 2 dc motors via bluetooth :( help me asap thankyou :(

  11. Hi well i want to know that this process is also working for 2 dc motors yes or no if no then give me any source to find it out :( pls pls pls help me i want to do arduino proraming for 2 dc motors via bluetooth :( help me asap thankyou :(

  12. erroe 516 unable to write:broken pipe

  13. excuse me I will make a project in which I need to use 4 power units and will use an Arduino Nano and HC -06 bluetooth, and I wondered if I should connect my bluetooth equal to its image or dierente way?

  14. when I control sevro 1 but sevro 2 active.. what happen ?? im using module bluetoot hc 05

  15. when I control sevro 1 but sevro 2 active.. what happen ?? im using module bluetoot hc 05

  16. hello brother . can you modify the application and the code to control one servo motor and one DC Motor . I have problem on this app .

  17. Great Work!! but what is the use of servopos and servopos1 could u plz explain?

  18. Hello my name is Cristian, thanks for the tutorial. I'm using arduino mega 2560, the connection via BT and apk is ok, but when I tried to move the servo nothing happens, is there something extra to program for arduino mega? Because I also tried to turn on a led and also it didn't work.

    1. JUTS IN CASE I FOUND SOME HELPFULL information about this topic, one probably reason for not sending data information to arduino is because app inventor 2 does not support my bluetooth LE (Low energy) I suposse the one that i bought is LE so that is why I can't send any data to arduino for controlling other devices. This is the page where I found this topic

  19. plz send me code and apps at:
    if you send me it will be very help full

  20. Hello.Great project you did there. Congratz. Bun I have a q, how can I control 1 dc motor + 1 servo? Is for a project - Bluetooth control car, dc motor is for forward/backward and the servo is for direction left/right.

  21. Hello. Nice project for that. So Good!. Can i ask, how to use code in arduino with button. Is it same with your last project? or not? Thank's. i hope best answer from you.

  22. Hi, May I download the android app to try out this? thank you..

  23. I need the file .aia of this application too! Can u send it at>

  24. Hello
    Thank you for this tutorial
    I want to add some led on/off switch in this app and arduino sketch. is it possible to add. please help me .how can I add.

  25. Hi,
    thanks for tutorial... But the data what i am receiving from bluetooth module is in range 60000 according to code... are there any additional settings i need to do in application ?

  26. I have entered Min value and Max value in slider settings according to your video... Still real servo is printing in 60000 range

  27. how can i download my create app from this site

  28. Your blog is really cool.Thanks for sharing this.


    touch screen

  29. hi can you send me the apk sourse i need to change the apk.please!!!

  30. because serial just can do in 1 byte so u have to multiply 256 to work in 2 byte. if u use #include i think u dont have to do this

  31. Good Morning, would you "me against payment" with a small one (Android + Arduino + closed-loop stepper) Support project? Roland please contact me via or

  32. Great job
    I liked your tutorial a lot
    Your blog is very interesting
    Please can you send me the code used in arduino IDE
    I need it for my 4dof arm robot . Thanks
    Best regards

  33. Hello
    Great job !
    I made all project but I have some Problems . When i'm using slider 1 other motors shaking a little bit what is the issue ?
